Our Ladies section are an active and fully integrated part of the club and are proud to be members of a club that has committed to the The R&A Women in Golf Charter. This commits us all to call on everyone involved in golf to play their part in developing a culture that values women’s involvement in every aspect of the sport, from participating to pursuing a career.
The Ladies’ competition day is Thursday when the tee is reserved from 09.10-10.40 and entries are booked on-line using BRS golf. During the winter months, roll-up competitions are played on a Thursday along with the Winter League. Fun formats are also played through the year. As well as this there are lots of opportunities to play in matches throughout the year both at home and away at other clubs.
Our Ladies hold a monthly medal and these are open to all players who hold a CONGU handicaps. These are usually played on Ladies Day and sometimes at weekends.
There are a number of Mixed competitions held during the year and these are social events with a meal afterwards.
The Ladies’ Captain organises the Ladies Cornwall League matches throughout the year, which are played in teams of seven, with a format of singles match play, full handicap difference.
The Dunheved Ladies Society
This is a golf society for ladies who have had their 55th birthday. The Dunheved Ladies meet every first and third Monday. Games are played over 15 holes, and entry is booked online via the BRS system.
Following the Ladies Section
The Ladies have an active following on their social media channels. Find them on Facebook ‘Ladies of Launceston Golf Club’ and Instagram ‘lgcladiessection’
Our Ladies Captain this year is Dawn Phillott.
Ladies Welcome Pack – Click Here